Lakeland is STILL BOOMIN

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March 9, 2024
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Lakeland was named #4 fastest growing place in the U.S according to US News so whats going on here? Check Below!

**Things will continuosly to be added**

199 Single Family Homes Being Built for Workforce Hosuing on Lake Parker (The picture I took on the cover is where they are building) They started construction in 2024

Lake Crago Complex (Growing so fast the city wants to make sure there is plenty of fields for the youth!) 10 million dollar spend

Detroit Tigers extends Lakeland Contract by 7 years for $33 Million Dollar Dorms

Cleveland Heights YMCA 21 million dollar upgrades

Lake Parker 199 Single Family Homes being built for work force housing

Avelo Airlines, 15 year agreement with Lakeland FL, Commercial Flights out of LkLd Now!!

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